<u>Directions :</u> In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by three conclusions. Give answer :<br><br><u>Statement :</u> 'Several labour and industrial courts in this State have no proper premises. Vacancies of judges and stenos are kept pending.' - A statement of a retired judge of State X.<br><br><u>Assumptions:</u><br>I. Adequate number of staff and judges helps in the smooth functioning of the industrial and labour courts.<br>II. The State is not bothered about the condition of the labour and industrial courts.<br>III. Physical facilities of an office help in increasing efficiency of its employees.

Correct Answer: All I, II and III are implicit
The statement expresses grave concern over the lack of proper premises and inadequate staff in labour and industrial courts. This implies that adequate staff is a must to serve the purpose of these courts and a proper office only can ensure their smooth functioning. So, both I and III are implicit. The lack of facilities to the courts also indicates the state's negligent attitude to the condition of the courts. So, II is also implicit.