In an examination, the percentage of students qualified to the number of students appeared from school A is 70%. In school B, the number of students appeared is 20% more than the students appeared from school A and the number of students qualified from school B is 50% more than the students qualified from school A. What is the percentage of students qualified to the number of students appeared from school B ?

Correct Answer: 87.5%
Let number of students appeared from school A = 100
Then, number of students qualified from school A = 70
Number of students appeared from school B = 120
Number of students qualified from school B :
= $$\frac{150}{100}$$ × 70
= 105
∴ Required percentage :
$$\eqalign{ & = \left( {\frac{{105}}{{120}} \times 100} \right)\% \cr & = 87.5\% \cr} $$