<u>Statement :</u> A large number of students who have passed their XII Std. terminal examination in the country could not get admission to colleges as the number of seats available are grossly inadequate.<br><br><u>Courses of Action :</u><br> I. The evaluation system of XII Std. terminal examination should be made more tough so that fewer students pass the examination.<br>II. The Government should encourage the private sector to open new colleges by providing them land at cheaper rate.<br>III. The rich people should be asked to send their wards to foreign countries for higher studies enabling the needy students to get admission in colleges within the country.

Correct Answer: Only II follows
Clearly, reducing the number of aspirants for admission to colleges or sending the students of well-to-do families to foreign countries for higher studies, is no proper solution. So, both I and HI do not follow. The right solution is to increase the number of colleges so as to accommodate the increasing number of admission-seekers. So, only II follows.