Find the appropriate relation for quantity1 and quantity2 in the following question: Quantity 1: In an examination, Ankita scored 35 marks less than Puneeta. Puneeta scored 65 more marks than Meenakshi. Rakhi scored 115 marks, which is 20 marks more than Meenakshi's. Simpy scored 108 marks less than the maximum marks of the test. What approximate percentage of marks did Simpy score in the examination, if she got 67 marks more than Ankita? Quantity 2: The length of a rectangle is increased by 60%. By what percent would the width have to be decreased to maintain the same area?

Correct Answer: Quantity1 > Quantity2

Quantity1-Rakhi’s marks= 115Meenakshi’s marks= 115 - 20 = 95Puneeta’s marks= 95 + 65= 160Ankita’s marks=160 - 35= 125Simpy’s marks= 125+ 67= 192Total maximum marks= 192 + 108= 300Required percentage marks of Simpy= 192300×100=64%Quantity2-Let length and breadth be 100.

After increase in length it become 160, thenreduction in breadth be ‘x’Now, 160*x= 100*100Hence, x = 10000160=62.5
