<u>Directions :</u> Each of the following question consists of a statement followed by two arguments I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.<br><br><u>Statement :</u> Should the tuition fees in all post-graduate courses be hiked considerably?<br><br><u>Arguments :</u><br>I. Yes. This will bring in some sense of seriousness among the students and will improve the quality.<br>II. No. This will force the meritorious poor students to stay away from post-graduate courses.

Correct Answer: Only argument II is strong
A hike in fees is no means to make the students more serious in studies. So, argument I is vague. However, with the increase in fees, poor meritorious students would not be able to afford post-graduate studies. So, argument II holds.