<u>Directions :</u> Following question consists of a statement followed by three arguments I, II and III . You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.<br><br><u>Statement :</u> Should all the students graduating in any discipline desirous of pursuing post-graduation of the subjects of their choice be allowed to enrol in the post-graduate courses?<br><br><u>Arguments :</u><br> I. Yes. The students are the best judge of their capabilities and there should not be restrictions for joining post-graduate courses.<br>II. No. The students need to study relevant subjects in graduate courses to enrol in post-graduate courses and the students must fulfil such conditions.<br>III. No. There are not enough institutes offering post-graduate courses which can accommodate all the graduates desirous of seeking post-graduate education of their own choice.

Correct Answer: None of these
Only argument II is strong. The students cannot be enrolled in the courses just on the basis of their interests, but their compatibility with the same also matters. So, I does not hold. Besides, lack of institutes is no criteria to deny post-graduate courses to students. So, argument III also does not hold. II provides a genuine reason and thus holds strong.