<u>Directions :</u> Each of the following question consists of a statement followed by two arguments I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.<br><br><u>Statement :</u> Should there be uniforms for students in the colleges in India as in the schools?<br><br><u>Arguments :</u><br>I. Yes, this will improve the ambience of the colleges as all the students will be decently dressed.<br>II. No. The college students should not be regimented and they should be left to choose their clothes for coming to the college.

Correct Answer: Only argument II is strong
Clearly, after being in strict discipline and following a formal dress code of the school for so many years, the students must be granted some liberty in college life, as they have to take on the responsibilities of life, next. Besides, schools adopt uniforms to take care of the security of the child - an aspect which doesn't matter much in the colleges. So, argument II holds strong. Also, the environment of the college depends on the students' dedication and etiquettes and not on their uniforms. So, argument I is vague.