Consider a regular hexagon ABCDEF. Two towers are situated at B and C. The angle of elevation from A to the top of the tower at B is 30 deg, and the angle of elevation to the top of the tower at C is 45 deg. What is the ratio of the height of towers at B and C?

Correct Answer: 1:3

Let the side of regular hexagon be ‘a’

Let height of the tower 1 be h1 and tower 2 be h2

Height of tower 1 = h1 = (distance between A and B)* (tan 30o)= a.1/√3

Distance between A and C = 2*√3.a/2= √3a

Height of tower 2 = h2 = (distance between A and C)* (tan 45o) = √3a.1 = √3a

Ratio of height of towers at B and C respectively =a/√3/√3a = 1/3.