Which of the following phrases (i),(ii), and (iii) given below each sentenceshould replace the phrase printed in boldletters to make the sentence grammaticallycorrect? Choose the best option among thefive given alternatives that reflect the correctuse of phrase in the context of thegrammatically correct sentence. If thesentence is correct as it is, mark (E) i.e., "Nocorrection required" as the answer <br />"I need you to give me a ballparks worth<br />of figures of how much this event is<br />going to cost us in the next two months."<br />i. give me a ballpark figure of how much this<br />event is going to cost<br />ii. give me the biggest ballpark of your figure,<br />how much this event is going to cost<br />iii. give me a ballpark figure of how much this<br />event is coming to cost

Correct Answer: A. Only i

Ans. A.The answer is 'give me a ballpark figure of how much this event is going to cost.' A ballpark figure is a rough numerical estimate or approximation.