Which of the following phrases (i),(ii), and (iii) given below each sentenceshould replace the phrase printed in boldletters to make the sentence grammaticallycorrect? Choose the best option among thefive given alternatives that reflect the correctuse of phrase in the context of the grammatically correct sentence. If thesentence is correct as it is, mark (E) i.e., "Nocorrection required" as the answer.<br />The government cannot realize good pricefrom certain assets but their disposalwill helped in stop the drain.<br />i. Help in stoppage in the drain<br />ii. Help stop the drain<br />iii. Be helping in draining

Correct Answer: B. Only ii

Ans. B.The correct form of verb to be used after 'will' is 'help.' Verbs are not needed in infinitive or participle form here since the effect of the disposal of assets will be seen in the future. So option B is the correct answer.