Which of the following phrases (i),(ii), and (iii) given below each sentenceshould replace the phrase printed in boldletters to make the sentence grammaticallycorrect? Choose the best option among thefive given alternatives that reflect the correctuse of phrase in the context of thegrammatically correct sentence. If thesentence is correct as it is, mark (E) i.e., "Nocorrection required" as the answer. My father told me that all the labor andeffort one puts in to the professional frontis meant to make life easier and thereforeany professional success coming at the cost ofpersonal happiness is pointless.<br />i. one puts at the professional front is meantto make life<br />ii. one puts onto the professional front ismeant to make life<br />iii. one who puts into the professional front ismeant to make life

Correct Answer: A. Only i

Ans. A.‘in to’ is the wrong usage of preposition.ii- ‘onto’ is the wrong usage of preposition.iii- ‘Who’ is a redundant word and distorts the meaning of the statement. .‘puts at’ makes the sentence correct.