Two vessel P and Q contain milk and water in ratio 3 : 2 and 5 : 3 respectively. If 10 liters of the mixture is removed from vessels P and poured in vessel Q then ratio of milk to water in vessel Q becomes 8 : 5. Find the initial quantity of water in vessel Q.

Correct Answer: 10 lit

Given ratio of initial mixture of milk and water in Q = 5 : 3

Let the initial quantity of mixture in vessel Q = 8x

Let quantity of Milk = 5x and

Let quantity of water = 3x

According to the question,

5x + 10 x 353x + 10 x 25  = 85

=> 25x + 30 = 24x + 32

=> x = 2

Required Initial quantity of milk = 5x = 5 x 2 = 10 lit.