A vessel contains 20 liters of a mixture of milk and water in the ratio 3:2. 10 liters of the mixture are removed and replaced with an equal quantity of pure milk. If the process is repeated once more, find the ratio of milk and water in the final mixture obtained ?

Correct Answer: 9:1

Milk = 3/5 x 20 = 12 liters, water = 8 liters


If 10 liters of mixture are removed, amount of milk removed = 6 liters and amount of water removed = 4 liters.


Remaining milk = 12 - 6 = 6 liters

Remaining water = 8 - 4 = 4 liters


10 liters of pure milk are added, therefore total milk = (6 + 10) = 16 liters.


The ratio of milk and water in the new mixture = 16:4 = 4:1


If the process is repeated one more time and 10 liters of the mixture are removed, then amount of milk removed = 4/5 x 10 = 8 liters.


Amount of water removed = 2 liters.


Remaining milk = (16 - 8) = 8 liters.

Remaining water = (4 -2) = 2 liters.


Now 10 lts milk is added => total milk = 18 lts


The required ratio of milk and water in the final mixture obtained


= (8 + 10):2 = 18:2 = 9:1.