Ratio of the ages of Mahesh and Nilesh is 5 : x. Mahesh is 18 years younger to Ramesh. After nine years Ramesh will be 47 years old. If the difference between the ages of Mahesh and Nilesh is same as the age of Ramesh, what is the value of x ?

Correct Answer: 14.5

Let the present ages of Mahesh, Nilesh and Ramesh be k, l and m respectively.k/l = 5/x ------ (1)k = m - 18 ------ (2)m + 9 = 47 ------ (3)k - l = m ----- (4)(3) => m = 47 - 9 = 38 years(2) => k = 38 -18 = 20 years(1) => 20/l = 5/x => l = 4x(4) => 4x - 20 = 38=> 4x = 58 => x = 14.5