Each question contains Quantity I and Quantity II. Read the contents clearly and answer your questions accordingly. Quantity I: 3 years ago the ratio of age of A and B is 3: 4 after 2 years the sum of their ages is 45. Then find the present age of A? Quantity II: 5 years ago, the ratio of age of p and Q id 3: 4 Ps age after 6 years is equal to the present age of Q. the find the present age of P?

Correct Answer: Quantity I < Quantity II

Quantity I= Let 3 year ago the age of A and B be 3x and 4x respectively

Then ATQ 3x+5+4x+5=45 X=5

Hence present age of A=3x+3=18year

Quantity II== Let 5 year ago the age of p and q be 3x and 4x respectively 

Then ATQ 


X=6 Hence present age of P=3x+5=23

Hence Quantity I < Quantity II