Each question contains Quantity I and Quantity II. Read the contents carefully and answer your questions accordingly. Quantity I: there are three numbers in the ratio 5:6:10. The sum of the largest and the smallest numbers is 126 more than the other number. Find the largest number? Quantity II: 12% of first number is equal to 25 % second number. The difference of these two numbers is 78. Then find the largest number?

Correct Answer: Quantity I < Quantity II

Quantity I= Let the three numbers will be 5x, 6x and 10x respectively



9x=126 X=14

So largest number =10x=10×14=140

Quantity II=let x and y are two numbers


12% of x=25%of y And their difference is 78 

So first no.=150 2nd no.=72

Hence Quantity I < Quantity II