3 pipes have an efficiency of x, 2x and 4x, respectively. Combined they can fill a tank in 35 minutes. If the first pipe is opened for 5 minutes, the second for 10 minutes and the third for 15 minutes, find the percentage of the tank filled.

Correct Answer: 34.69%
The combined efficiency = x + 2x + 4x = 7x The time taken by the pipes combined to fill the tank = 35 minutes The capacity of the tanks = 35 * 7x = 245x liters The amount of water filled in the tank as per the given conditions = x * 5 + 2x * 10 + 4x * 15 = 5x + 20x + 60x = 85x The required percentage = 85x / 245x * 100 = 34.69%