Three pipes are opened for 8 minutes each one after the other. The first two pipes can fill a tank in 20 minutes and 40 minutes, respectively. If the third pipe can empty the tank in 120 minutes, find the amount of water filled in the tank after 24 minutes. The tank is 480 litres.

Correct Answer: 256 litres
The capacity of the tank o 480 litres. The efficiencies of the pipes = 480 / 20, 480 / 40 and 480 / 120 respectively. The efficiencies of the pipes = 24, 12, 4 respectively. The relative efficiency = 24 + 12 – 4 = 32 litres per minute. The time period the pipes were open for = 8 minutes each. The water flowed through the pipes = 32 * 8 = 256 litres.