Estimate the interfacial solute concentration in the two liquids when the solute concentration is 45000 kg-moles/m3, interfacial solute concentration in liquid is 40000 kg-moles/m3, diffusivity is 2.5 × 10-11 m2/s and the length of the tube is 5m3 and the partition coefficient is 0.25.

Correct Answer: 10000 kg-moles/m3
Using Ci2 = K Ci1 where, Ci2 is the interfacial solute concentration in the two liquids, K is the partition coefficient and Ci1 is the interfacial solute concentration in liquid. Therefore, the interfacial solute concentration in the two liquids is Ci2 = 0.25 × 40000 = 10000 kg-moles/m3.