Consider a given volume of liquid at a temperature T below Tm with a free energy G’. If some of the atoms of the liquid cluster together to form a small sphere of solid, the free energy of the system will change to G, given by________ (Assume V1 volume of the solid sphere, V2 volume of liquid, A is the solid/liquid interfacial area, γ solid/liquid interface free energy, G1 and G2 are the free energies per unit volume of solid and liquid respectively).

Correct Answer: V1G1 + V2G2 + Aγ
If some of the atoms of the liquid cluster together to form a small sphere of solid, the free energy of the system will change to G2 is given by the formula V1G1 + V2G2 + Aγ and this is a part of homogeneous nucleation and the formation of the solid results in the change in the free energy which is given by ΔG = G1-G2.