In a single stage impulse turbine nozzle angle is 20° and the mean blade speed is 300 m/s. Steam leaves the nozzle at a velocity of 700 m/s. Determine the exit velocity of the steam if the turbine blades are equiangular and frictionless.

Correct Answer: 246.30 m/s
Cbl = 300 m/s, C1 = 700 m/s, α = 20°, θ = Ф, K=1 Steps for Construction – Select a suitable scale and draw line segment LM corresponding to Cbl (300 m/s). At M, at an angle of 20° (α), cut a length at S corresponding to C1 (700 m/s). Join LS. Produce L to meet perpendicular from S at P. The inlet triangle is complete. By measurement – θ = 34°, Cr1 = 430.50 m/s Since the turbine blades are frictionless, Cr2 = Cr1 = 430.50 m/s Also, Ф = θ = 34° At L, at an angle of 34° (Ф) cut a length at N corresponding to Cr2(430.50 m/s). Join MN. Produce M to meet perpendicular from N at Q. The outlet triangle is complete. By measurement – C2 = 246.30 m/s.