Steam issues from the nozzle with a velocity of 1000 m/s in a De Laval turbine. The nozzle angle is 20°, mean blade velocity is 350 m/s. The inlet and outlet angles of the blades are equal. The mass of the steam flowing through the turbine per second is 0.3 kg. Calculate the tangential force on the blades. Take blade velocity coefficient as 0.8.

Correct Answer: 318 N
Cbl = 350 m/s, C1 = 1000 m/s, α = 20°, K = 0.8, ṁ = 0.3 kg/sec, θ = Ф Steps of Construction – Select a suitable scale and draw a line LM to represent Cbl (= 350 m/s). At point M make angle of 20° (α) and cut length MS to represent the velocity 1000 m/s. Produce L to meet the perpendicular drawn from S at P. Thus inlet triangle is completed. By measurement: θ = 30.4°, Cr1 = 681.7 m/s θ = Ф = 30.4° Cr2 = KCr1 = 0.8(681.7) = 545.36 m/s At point L, make an angle of 30.4° (Ф) and cut the length LN to represent Cr2(= 545.36 m/s). Join MN. Produce M to meet the perpendicular drawn from N at Q. Thus outlet triangle is completed. By measurement: Cw1 = 939.69 m/s and Cw2 = 120.38 m/s Tangential force on the blades = ṁ (Cw1 + Cw2) = 0.3(939.69 + 120.38) = 318.021 N ≈ 318 N