If for a certain simple impulse turbine, the blade inlet and outlet angles are 35° and 30° respectively and the relative velocity of steam to moving blade at entrance and exit are 350 m/s and 320 m/s respectively, determine the axial thrust on the bearings. The turbine has a steam flow rate of 20 kg/s.

Correct Answer: 815 N
Cr1 = 350 m/s, θ = 35, Cr2 = 320 m/s, Ф = 30°, ṁ = 20 kg/s Cf1 = cr1*sin⁡θ = 350*sin⁡35 = 200.75 m/s Cf2 = cr2*sin⁡Ф = 320*sin⁡30 = 160 m/s Axial Thrust = ṁ (Cf1 – Cf2) = 20 (200.75 – 160) = 815 N.