Given are the steps to draw a perpendicular to a line from a point outside the line, when the point is nearer the centre of line. Arrange the steps. Let AB be the line and P be the point outside the line i. Take P as centre and take some convenient radius draw arcs which cut AB at C, D. ii. Join E, F and extend it, which is perpendicular to AB. iii. From C, D with radius R1 (more than half of CD), draw arcs which cut each other at E. iv. Again from C, D with radius R2 (more than R1), draw arcs which cut each other at F.

Correct Answer: i, iii, iv, ii
For every two points there exists a line which has points from which both the points are equidistant otherwise called perpendicular to line joining the two points. Here at 1st step, we created two on the line we needed perpendicular, then with equal arcs from either sides we created the perpendicular.