Given are the steps to construct regular polygon of any number of sides. Arrange the steps. i. Draw the perpendicular bisector of AB to cut the line AP in 4 and the arc AP in 6 ii. The midpoint of 4 and 6 gives 5 and extension of that line along the equidistant points 7, 8, etc gives the centers for different polygons with that number of sides and the radius is AN (N is from 4, 5, 6, 7, so on to N) iii. Join A and P. With center B and radius AB, draw the quadrant AP iv. Draw a line AB of given length. At B, draw a line BP perpendicular and equal to AB

Correct Answer: iv, iii, i, ii
Given here is the method for drawing regular polygons of a different number of sides of any length. This includes finding a line where all the centers for regular polygons lies and then with radius taking any end of 1st drawn line to center and then completing circle at last, cutting the circle with the same length of initial line. Thus we acquire polygons.