Steps given are to draw an involute of a given square ABCD. Arrange the steps. i. With B as centre and radius BP1 (BA+ AD) draw an arc to cut the line CB-produced at P2. ii. The curve thus obtained is the involute of the square. iii. With centre A and radius AD, draw an arc to cut the line BA-produced at a point P1. iv. Similarly, with centres C and D and radii CP2 and DP3 respectively, draw arcs to cut DC-produced at P3 and AD-produced at P4.

Correct Answer: iii, i , iv, ii
It is easy to draw involutes to polygons. First, we have to point the initial point and then extending the sides. Then cutting the extended lines with cumulative radiuses of length of sides gives the points on involute and then joining them gives involute.