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Mahim Ahmed


Tablet EV Effervescent Tablet contains Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol Acetate)

Tablet EV Effervescent Tablet side effects

Overdoses (>1g) have been associated with minor side effects, including hypertension, fatigue, diarrhea and myopathy

Vitamin E may enhance the anticoagulant activity of anticoagulant drugs. Caution is advised in premature infants with high dose Vitamin E supplementation, because of reported risk of necrotizing enterocilitis.

Vitamin E may impair the absorption of Vitamin A. Vitamin K functions impairement happens at the level of prothrombin formation and potentiates the effect of Warfarin.

Use in pregnancy: Vitamin E may be used in pregnancy in the normally recommended dose but the safety of high dose therapy has not been established. 

Use in lactation: There appears to be no contraindication to breast feeding by mothers taking the normally recommended dose.

No known contraindications found.

Use in Children: Vitamin E is safe for children


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