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Mahim Ahmed


Domin Drop Drop contains Domperidone Maleate

Domin Drop Drop uses for

Stimulation of gut motility in-

  • Non-ulcer dyspepsia
  • Oesophageal reflux, reflux oesophagitis and gastritis
  • Diabetic gastroparesis
  • Functional dyspepsia
  • Speeding barium transit in follow through radiological studies

Prevention and symptomatic relief of acute nausea and vomiting from any cause including cytotoxic therapy, radiotherapy and antiparkinsonism therapy.

In the prophylactic treatment of migraine.

Adults: 10 - 20 mg every 4 - 8 hours daily

Children: 0.2 - 0.4 mg/kg every 4 - 8 hours daily.

Domperidone tablet and suspension should be taken 15 - 30 minutes before a meal.  For acute nausea and vomiting, maximum period of treatment is 12 weeks.


Overdose has been reported primarily in infants and children. Symptoms of overdosage may include disorientation, somnolence and extrapyramidal reactions. There is no specific antidote to domperidone, but in the event of overdose, the administration of activated charcoal may be useful. Anticholinergics, antiparkinson drugs may be useful in controlling extrapyramidal reactions. The patient should be observed closely and supportive measures employed.

Read more here Domin Drop