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Mahim Ahmed


Trena Gel contains Tretinoin

Trena Gel uses for

  • For the treatment of acne vulgaris in which comedones, papules and pustules predominate.
  • For the treatment of hyperpigmentation, roughness and fine wrinkling of photodamaged skin due to chronic sun exposure.
  • For the treatment of Acute promyelocytic leukaemia

Tretinoin cream: Tretinoin cream should be applied sparingly to the whole affected area once or twice daily. The skin should be thoroughly cleaned and dried before application. Patient should be advised that 6 to 8 weeks of treatment may be required before a therapeutic effect is observed. Moisturisers and cosmetics may be used during treatment with Cosmotrin cream but should not be applied to the skin at the same time. Astringent toiletries should be avoided.    

Tretinoin gel: Tretinoin gel should be applied once or twice a day, before retiring, to the skin where lesions appear, using enough to cover the entire affected area lightly. The frequency of application can be adjusted to obtain maximum clinical efficacy with minimal erythema and scaling.    

If Tretinoin gel is applied excessively, no more rapid or better results will be obtained and marked redness, peeling or discomfort may occur. Should this occur accidentally or through over-enthusiastic use, application should be discontinued for few days.    

Patience is needed in this treatment, since the therapeutic effects will not usually be observed until after 6 weeks of treatment. During the early weeks of treatment, an apparent exacerbation of inflammatory lesions may occur. This is due to the action of the medication on deep, previously unseen comedones and papules. Once the acne lesions have responded satisfactorily, it should be possible to maintain the improvement with less frequent applications.    

Moisturizers and cosmetics may be used during treatment with Tretinoin gel but should not be applied to the skin at the same time. The skin should be thoroughly washed before application of Tretinoin gel. Astringent toiletries should be avoided.    

Capsule: The recommended dose is 45 mg/m2/day administered as two evenly divided doses until complete remission is documented. Therapy should be discontinued 30 days after achievement of complete remission or after 90 days of treatment, whichever occurs first.    

If after initiation of treatment of Tretinoin the presence of the translocation is not confirmed by cytogenetics and/or by polymerase chain reaction studies and the patient has not responded to Tretinoin, alternative therapy appropriate for acute myelogenous leukemia should be considered.



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