What will be the difference between the number which is third from the left end and the number which is fourth from the right end in step 4 ?
A. 49
B. 68
C. 69
D. 70

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Correct Answer - D
Input: Farmer 72 88 writer Thinner 18 Harmer 48 33 Cheaper
Step 1: Cheap Farmer 72 Writer Thiner 18 Harmer 48 33 89
Step 2 : 19 cheap farmer 72 Thinner Harmer 48 33 89 write
Step 3: Farm 19 cheap thinner harmer 48 33 89 Write 73
Step 4: 34 Farm 19 cheap harmer 48 89 write 73 thin
Step 5: Harm 34 farm 19 cheap 89 write 73 thin 49
Explanation : For step 1: The word which appears first in dictionary is arranged at left end and that comparative word is changes to positives degree word. And the highest numbers is increased by 1 and it is arranged at right end.
For step-2 : The lowest number is increased by 1 and it is arranged in leftend and the word which is appear last in the dictionary is arranged at right end and that comparative word is changes to positive degree word
Similarly step-3 follows the pattern of step 1 , and step 4 followes the patter of step2, and step 5 follows pattern of step 1

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