Choose the incorrect statement (s) :
A. Increasing order of wavelength is :
`"Microwaves" gt "Radio waves"gt "IR waves"gt "Visible waves" gt "UV waves"`
B. The order of Bohr radius is `(r_(n) :` where n is orbit number for a given atom)
`r_(1)lt r_(2) lt r_(3) lt r_(4)`
C. The order or total energy is `(E_(n) :` where n is orbit number for a given atom )
`E_(1) gt E_(2) gt E_(3) gt E_(4) `
D. The order of velocity of electron in `H, He^(+), Li^(+), Be^(3+)` species in second Bohr orbit is
`Be^(3+) gt Li ^(+2)gt He^(+)gt H`

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Correct Answer - a c

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