When I heard this, I didn’t want to laugh any more, I felt terribly sad. How could they believe that it was disgusting if one of us held that package in his hands, even though the vadai had been wrapped first in a banana leaf, and then parcelled in paper? I felt so provoked and angry that I wanted to touch those wretched vadais myself straightaway. Why should we fetch and carry for these people, I wondered. Such an important elder of ours goes meekly to the shops to fetch snacks and hands them reverently, bowing and shrinking, to this fellow who just sits there and stiffs them into his mouth. The thought of it infuriated me.

i. The elder handing snacks reverently, bowing and shrinking to the fellow indicates that the ‘fellow’ was 

1. condescending. 

2. unassuming. 

3. submissive. 

4. disdainful. 

5. aggressive 

6. domineering. 

a) 2, 3 and 6 

b) 1, 4 and 5 

c) 1, 4 and 6 

d) 2, 3 and 4 

ii. Pick an idiom that DOES NOT describe how the author felt about this incident. 

a) at the end of one’s tether

b) be in a black mood 

c) up in arms 

d) throw up one’s hands 

iii. Based on the given context, choose the option that illustrates when a person can be provoked, out of the examples given below.

1. The employees organised a peaceful protest outside the firm.

2. The manager ill-treated one of the employees and wrongfully terminated him.

3. The employees wrote a letter of complaint against the manager.

4. The director of the firm scheduled a meeting for reconciliation.

a) Option 1 

b) Option 2 

c) Option 3 

d) Option 4 

iv The given extract DOES NOT talk about 

a) author’s realisation of her misconception. 

b) elders being ill-treated in her society. 

c) the haughtiness of the ‘fellow’. 

d) how the author was enraged.

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ii. (d) 

iii. (b) 

iv. (b)