1. I clean my house and empty the garbage on the road because the road is not ______ in what I feel is my own. 

(a) included 

(b) indulgence 

(c) inclusion

2. I take my child to the movie but not my neighbour’s child because that child is beyond my zone of ______ 

(a) fostering 

(b) caring 

(c) parenting

3. Our depends on our power to impress ______ 

(a) survival 

(b) impact 

(c) honour

4. We are ______ because we do not ask questions 

(a) accountable 

(b) learning 

(c) enslaved

5. The sea does not get ______ from us for the fish it gives us. 

(a) tax 

(b) royalties 

(c) money

6. Poverty, disease and hunger have no ______ 

(a) diversity 

(b) patriotism 

(c) nationality

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1. (a) included

2. (c) parenting

3. (a) survival

4. (c) enslaved

5. (b) royalties

6. (c) nationality

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