One person sold a radio at 10% profit then he gets Rs. 748 then the C.P of that radio was ………………….. 

A) ₹ 160 

B) ₹ 140 

C) ₹ 120

D) ₹ 680

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Correct option is (D) ₹ 680

Let cost price of radio be Rs x.

\(\therefore\) Selling price = x + 10% of x

= x + \(\frac{10x}{100}\) = x + \(\frac{x}{10}\) \(=\frac{11x}{10}.\)

Given that selling price = Rs 748

\(\therefore\) \(\frac{11x}{10}=748\)

\(\Rightarrow\) \(x=\frac{748}{11}\times10=680\)

\(\therefore\) Cost price of that radio is Rs 680.


Correct option is   D) ₹ 680