If the product of two consecutive numbers is 72 then the smaller number is ………………..

A) -3/2 or 19 

B) -4 or 6 

C) -8 or 6 

D) 8 or -9

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Correct option is (D) 8 or -9

Let consecutive numbers are x and x+1.

\(\therefore\) x(x+1) = 72    (Given)

\(\Rightarrow\) \(x^2+x-72=0\)

\(\Rightarrow\) \(x^2+9x-8x-72=0\)

\(\Rightarrow\) x(x+9) - 8(x+9) = 0

\(\Rightarrow\) (x-8) (x+9) = 0

\(\Rightarrow\) x - 8 = 0 or x+9 = 0

\(\Rightarrow\) x = 8 or x = -9.

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Correct option is  D) 8 or -9

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