The length of a rectangular park is 17m more than the breadth. If its perimeter is 178 m, then the length is (in mts) 

A) 53 

B) 36 

C) 17 

D) 49

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Correct option is  A) 53

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Correct option is (A) 53

l = 17+b

\(\Rightarrow\) l - b = 17               _____(1)

perimeter = 2 (l+b) = 178

\(\Rightarrow\) l+b = \(\frac{178}2\) = 89      _____(2)

By adding (1) & (2), we get 2l = 17+89 = 106

\(\Rightarrow\) l = \(\frac{106}2\) = 53 m.

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