Justify the position of most reactive and least reactive elements in the modern periodic table.

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  • Chemical reactivity of elements depends on the ease with which it attains electronic configuration of the nearest inert gas by gaining or losing electrons.
  • The elements preceding an inert gas react by gaining electrons in the outermost shell, whereas the elements which follow an inert gas in the periodic table react by loss of valence electrons. Thus, the chemical reactivity is decided by the electron gain enthalpy and ionization enthalpy values, which in turn, are decided by effective nuclear charge and finally by the atomic size.
  • The ionization enthalpy is the smallest for the element on the extreme left in a period, whereas the electron gain enthalpy is the most negative for the second last element on the extreme right, (preceding to the inert gas which is the last element of a period).
  • Thus, the most reactive elements lie on the extreme left and the extreme right (excluding inert gases) of the periodic table.

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