What is absorption? Mention the absorption of nutrients and other substances in alimentary canal?

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The passage of end products of digestion through the mucosal lining of alimentary canal into blood and lymph is called absorption. 90% of absorption takes place in small intestine and the rest in mouth, stomach and large intestine. 

1. Month: Absorption takes place through mucosa of mouth and lower side of tongue into the blood capillaries, e.g. Some drugs like certain painkillers. 

2. Stomach: Gastric mucosa is impermeable to most substances hence nutrients reach unabsorbed till small intestine. Little water, electrolytes, alcohol and drugs like aspirin get absorbed in stomach. 

3. Small Intestine: Glucose, fructose, galactose, amino acids, minerals and water-soluble vitamins are absorbed in blood capillaries in villi. Lipids and fatsoluble vitamins ( A, D, E, K) are absorbed in lacteals. 

4. Large Intestine: Absorption of water, electrolytes like sodium and chloride, drugs and some vitamins take place.

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