Explain the concept of effective nuclear charge in detail.

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i. In a multi-electron atom, the positively charged nucleus attracts the negatively charged electrons around it, and there is mutual repulsion between the negatively charged extranuclear electrons.

ii. The repulsion by inner shell electrons results in pushing the outer shell electrons further away from the nucleus. 

Thus, the outer shell electrons are held less tightly by the nucleus.

iii. As a result, the attraction of the nucleus for an outer electron is partially cancelled and hence, an outer shell electron does not experience the actual positive charge present on the nucleus. This effect of the inner electrons on the outer electrons is called screening effect or shielding effect.

iv. The net nuclear charge actually experienced by an electron is called the effective nuclear charge (Zeff).

The effective nuclear charge is lower than the actual nuclear charge (Z).

v. Effective nuclear charge (Zeff) = Z – electron shielding

= Z – σ

Here σ (sigma) is called shielding constant or screening constant and the value of σ depends upon type of the orbital that the electron occupies.

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