Differentiate between d-block and f-block elements.

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d-Block elements:

  • d-Block contains elements from group 3 to group 12.
  • It is present in the middle of the modern periodic table.
  • They are also known as transition elements.
  • The last electron in the d-block elements enters in d orbital.
  • General outer electronic configuration of d-block elements is ns0-2 (n-1)d1-10.
  • e.g. Cu, Zn, Cr, Ti, V, etc.

f-Block elements:

  • f-Block contains elements of lanthanide and actinide series.
  • f-block elements are present below the modern periodic table as two separate rows.
  • They are also known as inner transition elements.
  • The last electron in the f-block elements enters in f orbital.
  • General outer electronic configuration of f-block elements is ns2 (n-1) d0-1 (n - 2) f114.
  • e.g. Ce, Pr, Nd Th, U, Np, etc.
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