Outer electronic configurations of a few elements are given below. Explain them and identify the period, group and block in the periodic table to which they belong.

2He: 1s2, 54Xe: 5s25p6, 16S: 3s23p4, 79Au: 6s15d10

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i. 2He: 1s2

Here, n = 1. Therefore, 2He belongs to the 1st period.

The shell n = 1 has only one subshell, namely 1s. The outer electronic configuration 1s2 of ‘He’ corresponds to the maximum capacity of 1s, the complete duplet. Therefore, He is placed at the end of the 1st period in the group 18 of inert gases. So, ‘He’ belongs to p-block.

ii. 54Xe: 5s25p6

Here, n = 5. Therefore, 54Xe belongs to the 5th period.

The outer electronic configuration. 5s25p6 corresponds to complete octet. Therefore, 54Xe is placed in group 18 and belongs to p-block.

iii. 16S: 3s23p4

Here, n = 3. Therefore, 16S belongs to the 3rd period. The 3p subshell in ‘S’ is partially filled and short of completion of octet by two electrons. Therefore, ‘S’ belongs to (18 – 2) = 16th group and p-block.

iv. 79AU: 6s15d10

Here n = 6. Therefore, ‘Au’ belongs to the 6th period.

The sixth period begins with filling of electron into 6s and then into 5d orbital.

The outer configuration of ‘Au’: 6s1 5d10 implies that (1 + 10) = 11 electrons are filled in the outer orbitals to give ‘Au’. Therefore ‘Au’ belongs to the group 11.

As the last electron has entered ‘d’ orbital ‘Au’ belongs to the d-block.

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