Explain in detail male reproductive system of cockroach.

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1. Male reproductive system includes primary and secondary reproductive organs. 

2. Primary sex organs (male gonads) are called testes. They are paired and located in the 4th and 6th abdominal segments. Sperms produced in testis are carried by vasa deferentia. 

3. Vasa deferentia is a pair of thin tubular structure that arise from the testes and open into ejaculatory duct through seminal vesicle. They carry sperms to ejaculatory duct. 

4. Ejaculatory duct opens into male gonopore situated ventral to anus.

5. Sperms produced by testis are stored in seminal vesicles in the form of bundles called spermatophores. These spermatophores are deposited in female reproductive tract during copulation. 

6. Mushroom shaped gland or utricular gland is an accessory reproductive gland. It is present in the 6th – 7th abdominal segments.

7. Male gonapophyses or phallomere form the external genitalia of male. These are three asymmetrical chitinous structures surrounding the male gonophore.

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