Rita’s mother while cleaning the house spotted a darkish reddish to blackish brown coloured capsule glued on the crack. Her mother showed it to Rita and asked her about it. Rita recollected that it resembles to a picture shown by her teacher in classroom while teaching about cockroach. What it must be?

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1. The darkish reddish to blackish brown coloured capsule may be ootheca. 

2. The secretion of collaterial glands forms a capsule around them is called as ootheca or egg case. 

3. It is about 8 mm long and ranges from dark reddish to blackish brown. 

4. Ootheca contains 14 to 16 fertilized eggs in two rows.

5. They are dropped or glued to a suitable surface, like a crack or crevice with good humidity near a food source. 

6. A female cockroach on an average, produces 9 to 10 oothecae during its lifespan.

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