Give the characteristics of muscular tissue.

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1. The cells of the muscular tissue are elongated and are called as muscle fibres. 

2. The muscle fibres are covered by a membrane called sarcolemma. 

3. The cytoplasm of the muscle cell is called the sarcoplasm. 

4. Large number of contractile fibrils called myofibrils are present in the sarcoplasm. 

5. Depending on the type of muscle cells, one or many nuclei may be present.

6. Myofibrils are made up of the proteins, actin and myosin. 

7. Muscle fibres contract and decrease in length on stimulation. Hence, muscular tissue is also known as contractile tissue. 

8. This tissue is vascular and innervated by nerves. 

9. Muscle cells contain large number of mitochondria.

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