Ink is a mixture of a dye in water. We can separate the components in the ink using evaporation. The correct observation in the experiment is 

i) Water is separated in the form of vapour.

ii) Dye component doesn’t evaporate. 

iii) Water and dye components gets evaporated. 

iv) Dye components gets sublimated. 

A) (i) and (ii) 

B) (iii) only 

C) (i) and (iv) 

D) (i) only

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Correct option is (A) i and ii

Ink is a mixture of dye in water. We can separate the components in the ink. Using evaporation water in ink is evaporated thus leaving behind the dyes. Dyes being non-volatile does not evaporated.


Correct option is A) (i) and (ii)


Correct option is ,D) (i) only