Write the title of the artwork done by each of the following Contemporary (Indian Artists) included in your course of study: 

1) Jamini Roy 

2) M.F.Hussain 

3) Amrita Shergil 

4) Raja Ravi Verma 


Identify the artist and mention the emotions that have been revealed in the sculpture Cries Unheard.

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1) Jamini Roy- Mother and Child 

2) M.F.Hussain-Mother Teresa 

3) Amrita Shergil- Haldi Grinders 

4) Raja Ravi Verma- Rama Vanquishing the Pride of the ocean. 


Cries Unheard is the famous sculpture made by Amarnath Sehgal. This is a symbolic work in which three figures of a family are standing in a deep anguish. They have gloomy faces full of agony and distress. All the three elongated figures of man, woman and child have hollow faces and their hands raised towards the sky in the helpless position. The right hand of child is up while his left hand is shown in down posture. Man, and child are looking up but woman is looking down. They all are asking for the help from almighty god because no one is ready to hear their protest in our society. The theme of this sculpture shows the injustice and exploitation done by rich and powerful people. They are exploiting the weaker section of the society from long time.

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