a) ‘Pesticides are chemical compounds designed to kill pests. Many pesticides can also pose health risks to people even if exposed to nominal quantities. ‘ 

In the light of the above statement, suggest any two traditional methods for replacement of the chemical pesticides.

b) ‘In recent times the Indian Economy has experienced the problem of Casualisation of the workforce. This problem has only been aggravated by the outbreak of COVID-19.’

Do you agree with the given statement? Discuss any two disadvantages of casualisation of the workforce in the light of the above statement.

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a) The traditional practices can help in controlling contamination without the use of chemical fertilizers, as follows:

 i.  Neem trees and its by products are a natural pest-controller, which has been used since ages in India. Recently, the government promoted the sale Neem coated urea as a measure of natural pest control. 

ii. Large variety of birds should be allowed to dwell around the agricultural areas, they can clear large varieties of pests including insects

b) The given statement is quite appropriate with reference to the ‘casualisation of labour’ in India.

i) For casual workers, the rights of the labour are not properly protected by labour laws. Particularly, during pandemic times, as demand for goods and services fell the casual workers were left jobless, without any compensation or support. 

ii) During the COVID-19 lockdown millions of casual workers lost their jobs, raising the question of their survival. Also, additional health expenditure added to their troubles. Had such workers been working under the formal sector, it would have given them some respite in their difficult times.

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