(i) Give two advantages and two disadvantages of star topology 


Define the following terms: 

www , web hosting

(ii) How is packet switching different from circuit switching?

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(i)  Advantages 

  • Ease of service 
  • Centralized control 
  • Easy to diagnose faults 
  • One device per connection


  • long cable length 
  • difficult to expand 
  • central node dependency


www: a set of protocols that allow you to access any document on the internet through the naming systems based on URLs 

Web hosting: Web hosting is a service that allows organizations and individuals to post a website or web page onto the server, which can be viewed by everyone on the Internet.

(ii) Packet switching: 

  • uses store and forward concept to send messages 
  • no physical path is actually establishes 
  • message is divided into smaller parts, known as packets and then sent forward 
  •  tight upper limit on block size 
  • Each data unit knows only the final receiver’s address

Circuit switching :

  •  physical connection is established between sender and receiver 
  •  Each data unit knows the entire path from sender to receiver 
  •  It does not follow store and forward concept
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