What is Sailing Model? List the other two types of Models.


Discuss two preventive maintenance of Power Tools.

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Types of Models - Models are of different types like Solid Model, Working Model or a Sailing Model as explained below:- 

(a) Solid Model. A solid model is one made with solid block of wood including the appendages and additional parts attached post preparation of the basic structure. The solid models are basically scaled to originally planned ship for purposes of show and testing / trials. 

(b) Working Model. Working Model for the boat is a scaled model with all parts moving with mechanical or electrical support. The working model is designed to project the actual working of the boat.

(c) Sailing Model. Sailing models are generally scaled models with sails and motor fitted for control of the sail model remotely. 


Therefore, repair and maintenance work must be carried out in accordance with preventive maintenance schedules as under: - 

(a) Polythene/ canvas dust covers are to be used to cover the machines and equipment when not in use to protect them against dust and moisture. 

(b) The user should be instructed to clean the machine after use with a hand brush. Slide ways are to be oiled to avoid condensation of moisture and then to cover the machine with dustcover. 

(c) Each machine must have its tool cup-board for keeping all the accessories required for use. 

(d) Cadets should be taught the use of the various controls and the correct manipulation of the machine before the commencement of any skill training of the machine. 

(e) A check list/ store list showing all the items kept in the tool cup-board is to be displayed in a prominent place inside the cup-board.