What are the consequences of female feticide?


Who can be booked under the first offense? Who are most common violators of drunk driving?

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(a) Skewed sex ratio 

(b) Female trafficking 

(c) Increase in rape and assault 

(d) Population decline (or any other reason which you think better with explanation) 


In India, while driving a motor vehicle, if a person has a Blood Alcohol Level (BAC) exceeding 30 mg of intake per 100 ml of blood detected by a breathalyzer, he or she is booked under ‘first offense’.

The most common violators by drunken driving have been identified as under: 

(a) Children between 16-25 years of age. 

(b) Most truck drivers. 

(c) Most people returning from parties in cities. 

(d) After New Year parties or festival celebrations.

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